Before going any further, it’s vital to understand this disclaimer: the views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not reflect those of Amazon leadership. They are based solely on my personal experiences as a data analyst at Amazon and should not be taken as professional or legal advice.

Now let’s roll, shall we?

When preparing for an interview at Amazon, particularly for positions like data analysis that may require a technical assessment, the following are some crucial tips:

1. **Quality Stories Win:** Choose 3 to 5 solid stories that highlight your skills and experiences effectively. These stories should be substantial, demonstrating clear problem-solving and analytical capabilities following the *STAR* (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format. Personally, I use *STAR + L* = Situation, Task, Actions, Results, Learnings.

2. **Showcase Your Skills Visually:** Whenever possible, enhance your stories with visual elements. For example, if you can show a dashboard, script, interface, video, or examples of your work on a website, do it. This not only proves your claims but also shows your proficiency in conveying complex data in understandable ways. Many interviewers have told me they are visual and appreciate the fact that I decided to showcase my projects.

3. **Demystify Complex Terms:** In any interview, especially when explaining data analytics work, it’s crucial to simplify complex terms. For instance, at Amazon, we frequently use the acronym IRDR, which entails processes related to quality assurance and inventory management. Always ensure you provide a brief explanation of such terms during your interview (feedback after a mock interview with my manager). This approach helps if your interviewer isn’t from your specific field, making your experience and skills more accessible and impressive.

4. **Practice with Unfamiliar Faces:** While preparing for your interview, it’s crucial to practice with people who aren’t familiar with you or your work style. This could be senior colleagues or other managers in your organization. The benefit? They can provide unbiased feedback and mimic the interview conditions you’ll face with a real interviewer who doesn’t know you.

5. **Record and Review Your Practice Sessions:** Another powerful technique is to record yourself during mock interviews. Watching these recordings allows you to self-assess and pinpoint areas for improvement that others might not notice. Practicing in front of a video also helps you get comfortable with the visual aspects of remote interviews or presentations. This method was invaluable in my own preparation, helping me refine my delivery and confidently address any part of my presentation that needed more work.

6. **Step Up Your Technical Skills:** As a data analyst at Amazon, you are expected to be proficient in Excel and SQL and would likely be tested on those. Strong fundamentals in these tools are instrumental.
– **Excel Skills:** Familiarize yourself with functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, TODAY, and MID. These functions are incredibly useful for data analysis tasks.
– **SQL Skills:** Understanding GROUP BY, JOIN statements, and when to use WHERE versus HAVING clauses is essential. Practice using platforms like LeetCode to sharpen your skills.


7. **Stand Out with Unconventional Questions:** Don’t be afraid to ask questions during an interview. Doing so shows the interviewer that you are genuinely interested in the role. Here are some unconventional questions I like to ask that can set you apart:
– **Ask About Vision:** I often ask, “What is your vision for the next 10 years?” This question helps you understand the long-term goals of the hiring manager and your potential future team, showing that you are a long-term thinker.
– **Learn from Mistakes:** Another question I love to ask is, “Smart people learn from their mistakes, but great people learn from others’ mistakes. Can you tell me a mistake you made in your career and how you learned from it?” A hiring manager was quite amazed by this question and said, “Wow, no one has ever asked me this question; you are the first.” This question often surprises interviewers and can lead to insightful and honest conversations.
– **Seek Feedback:** At the end of the interview, I always ask, “Based on our interview so far, can you please give me an opportunity to improve?” This shows that you are open to feedback and eager to grow.

While it’s good to ask standard questions like “What are your expectations for the first 90 days?” adding a few unconventional questions can showcase your unique thinking and make a memorable impression on the interviewer.

Did I miss something?
Do you have something to add?
Do you want a quick 30-minute chat?

I’m all ears!!

Let’s connect…

LinkedIn: [Majesty A. Tsopmo](

Website: [](

Majesty Atenkhu

Majesty Atenkhu

Majesty is a versatile tech professional whom recently fell in love with Bitcoin and Artificial Intelligence(AI) and is obsessed in leveraging these technologies to create a significant impact.

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